Saturday, March 26, 2011

Zoe (4)

     When the time finally ticked away and it was 4:59, Zoe grabbed her jacket and purse and headed out the door.  She breathed in deeply as she shut the office door behind her.  She was glad that the week was all behind her and she had a few days to relax and not think about her crappy job.  
     Maybe, she thought, maybe I will go to the little coffee shop down the street.  She hadn’t forgotten about that striking young man who had asked her to sit down at her table.  It also hadn’t gone unnoticed that he hadn’t called even though she had been so bold as to give him her phone number.  She had never done anything like that before.  That day she had really been dreading going into work and was just ready to do something outside of the box.  It was his lucky day, or hers she thought.  But he never called.  So that made her feel all the more dorky about what she had done.  Oh well she thought...maybe I will see him at the coffee shop or maybe I really don’t want to.  
     She hadn’t been there for quite sometime since that day.  Mostly because she had been on mandatory overtime.  One thing she liked about her job was it was 9-5 mostly.  Having to get around and go to work 9 was so much better than 8 and getting out at 5, usually on time, was also really nice.  She was lucky that when it hit five o’clock she was able to walk out those doors and not come in until the next morning...or even think of work until the next day.  Unless, of course, they were on mandatory overtime.  Thankfully, he was letting us go home early today. 
     The bad part was the mindless work.  She had been looking, waiting for that dream job.  But so far it hadn’t surfaced.  She wasn’t even sure what it was that she was looking for.  For now though, the bills were paid and there was food in her cupboard.  The dreams would have to wait for later.

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