Sunday, March 13, 2011

Through the Window

Through my window I see the dull darkened sky.  A week away from spring, but still no sun to greet the day.  Depression sinks in a little deeper, longing for the golden ball of warmth to touch my face to bring life to the end of winter.  
Each word, thought is a struggle.  I look on my bulletin board at a saying from the inside of the Dove wrapper.  “Bring your life to life: stop planning, start doing.”  sounds like a Lowe’s commercial but it is the truth.  The struggle is bittersweet because I am doing, I am living, I am being, I am creating.  Not sure what I am creating, but I know every little bit is worth the struggle.
So I sit and look out the window and see the gangly trees, dead gardens and grass...all longing for the things we are longing for.  Love and warmth from the son who created us all.

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