Monday, March 21, 2011

Zoe (2)

this was all I had so far today...

Zoe stared at her computer screen at the blank empty page that was staring back at her.  she had grown tired of writing all of these canned formal letters to the big corporations.  That was all she did all day long.  Hardly exciting.  She looked at her phone.  Yep it was still working, but no email or text messages from her friends to give her a little break from these doldrums.
She looked at her watch.  An hour til lunch.  She let out a sigh and continued typing away at her keyboard.  She was alone in this section of cubicle world, which was just fine with her, it kept her from the back-biting of some of the other fellow employee’s.  She preferred to go through her day without too much drama.

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